The International Horticultural Congress (IHC) is the most important scientific event organised every four years since 1959 in the fields related to Horticulture* under the auspices of ISHS (International Society for Horticultural Science).
ISHS is a truly global network comprising over 6,000 members. Its aim is to promote and foster research and education in horticultural science and to facilitate cooperation and knowledge transfer on a global scale through events and publications.
In a different continent every 4 years (...2010 Lisbon - 2014 Brisbane - 2018 Istanbul...), IHC regroups many divisions and commissions-symposia.
* Horticultural crops, raw or processed : fruit, vegetables, aromatic and medicinal plants, seeds and roots, ornamental plants, landscaping, vineyard.
The International Horticultural Congress 2022 presented by François Laurens

The spirit of the 31st International Horticultural Congress
The previous IHC gathered around 2500 - 5000 participants from countries all-over the world. It is an excellent platform for scientists, technicians, students, consultants, engineers, extension agents, growers, industry, policy makers, trade and consumer organisations and other professionals having an interest in Horticulture.

IHC 2022 will be organized into 3 key pillars:
1 A high scientific level with a unique opportunity to gathering, meeting and debating on the main topics:
Competitiveness and skills for the Horticultural sectors
Food, Public Health & Well-being
Sustainability of production systems
Climate change mitigation
and adaptation solutions
2 Making value from Research - Education - Industry
The IHC2022 will be an opportunity to boost links between Research, Education and Industry in order to facilitate the transfer and application of research for industry. It is also the place to motivate and encourage young minds in Horticulture for the future.
3 Developing international collaborations, in particular between South and North. Promoting experience - sharing and bringing together different types of horticulture.
More than 150 countries represented
2500 delegates
25 symposia
2000m2 of exhibition
Pre congress touristic tours,
ISHS ExCom and
Council meetings,
...oral presentations
flash presentations
oral and flash presentations
oral presentations
flash presentations
oral and flash presentations
oral presentations
oral presentations
oral presentations
oral and flash presentations
flash presentations
oral and flash presentation
Technical & touristic tours