Challenges and topics

The backbone of the congress will be built on four challenges:

  1. Competitiveness and skills for horticultural value chains
  2. Food, human health and well-being of citizens
  3. Sustainability of production systems
  4. Adaptation to climate changes and effect mitigation

They will be the leading topics of the four planned plenary sessions where Grand keynote speakers will be invited to bring in and express their external and critical views.

These four topics will also be the common thread all along the 25 symposia. In addition, many important and topical subjects will be addressed such as: breeding, biodiversity, organic farming urban horticulture, new technologies for phenotyping, precision horticulture,…

Through these main topics and challenges, we want IHC2022 to be  an outstanding scientific event as well as an unique opportunity for the industry and students to exchange, discuss and collaborate with the scientists.

  • Sanitary and nutritional security, sustainability and quality of food systems
  • Innovation processes, interdisciplinarity, links between research and society (participative research, gender equity), co-design with stakeholders
  • Agroecological horticultural systems, sustainable management of natural resources (water…), functional diversity, ecosystem services, circular economy (waste management)
  • Impact assessment (technical changes, regulation and policies, sustainability… need for data, various scales)
  • Precision and connected horticulture (big data), precise crop management
  • New uses and new functions of plants
  • Horticulture in an urbanized world
  • Jobs of the future