In order to promote stronger interaction between research, education and enterprise, IHC 2022 has set up an Education committee representative of the diversity of French education and training institutions in Horticulture. The objective of this committee is to propose actions aimed at
- involving students in horticulture and strengthening their scientific and professional skills within the IHC,
- promoting training and pedagogical innovation in Horticulture,
- enhancing and promoting the IHC event in training and educational institutions throughout the world.
To this end, various actions will be organised before, during and after the IHC, including:
- Promotion of the know-how of students who have won national competitions in their country, with the exhibition of their achievements before and during the IHC.
- Organisation of an international competition for early PhD-doctors (thesis defended in 2020-2022) during the IHC in a format inspired by the 3MT (Three minutes thesis) and based on an international pre-selection.
- Selection in each symposium of the best oral and poster presentation by students with the ISHS "Young Minds Award "
- Organisation of a workshop during the IHC on innovation in learning methods, with a special focus on e-learning.
- Encouragement to organise summer schools or research schools/workshops before or after the IHC on the main themes of the Congress.
- Promotion of the IHC2022 event in horticultural/agricultural technical schools and higher education, in the form of video clips, practical workshops or other educational activities on the main themes of the Congress.
- Promotion of French and European training institutions during the IHC (visits, seminars).
If your school would like to get involved in a greening project at the IHC, please contact us at secretariat@ihc2022.org