The Assembly of European Horticultural Regions is a nonprofit association which represents the voice of the fruit, vegetables and horticultural regions and their producer organisations in Europe. It gathers 16 regions and 35 Associations of producer organisations in 10 European country.
The purpose of AREFLH is to represent and defend the economic and social interests of regions and producers within the European institutions.
It is also a platform for exchanging experiences and good practices in order to foster partnerships and joint actions and promote innovative activities to the benefit of the fruit, vegetable and horticultural sector.

Agricultural Technical Institutes Agricultural Technical Institutes (known by their French initials, ITAs) are professional tools for applied research and transfer, specialised by sector (field crops, livestock, fruit and vegetables, viticulture, specialised production (horticulture, medicinal plants, tropical plants, algae etc.), organic agriculture). Acta, leads this network, bringing them together and promoting...

Agri Logic Systemes based in New Caledonia and in France, expert in horticultural engineering, has been providing innovative solutions for more than 20 years for soilless crop systems and greenhouses
Its currents challenges are:
-Develop innovative cropping processes adapted to all types of agro-climatic contexts
-Provide sustainable solutions to the problems of vegetable growers and horticulturists around the world, while respecting the environmental and techno-economic challenges for tomorrow.
Agrilogic is currently working on 2 projects:
The AGRINEA® greenhouse (innovation award 2022: TEC4good /Agrinove and nomination SIVAL)
- This new model of fully enclosed, insect and hurricane-proof greenhouse is equipped with an innovative 100% solar thermo-regulation system with exhaust fan placed on the greenhouse ridge.
The GOPONIC® XXL gutter
- New intelligent gutter for large volume bulk substrates, it will be the first gutter on the market to use new substrates from recycling organic product.

The national institute of higher education for agriculture, food and the environment (Institut Agro) is committed to driving agro-ecological, food, digital and climate change transitions through its contributions in training, research, innovation and support for agricultural technical education. Institut Agro includes two institutes, Agrocampus Ouest and Montpellier SupAgro, and several campuses in France. Agrocampus Ouest campus in Angers is specialized in horticultural and landscaping sciences.

AGROSEMENS offers the widest range of 100% organic certified seeds. All these products are of professional quality, from gardening, aromatic and condiment to floral and green manure seeds.
AGROSEMENS is specialized in traditional varieties and farming seeds and consequently in reproducible organic seeds.

Did you know ?
The particular history that connects the City of Angers to plants can be traced to at least the XVth century, beginning with the introduction and adaptation of Mediterranean plants by the King René.
Those roots still live on today: Angers, “Plants Capital” not only benefi ts from an extraordinary quality of life as the first green city of France, but also concentrates every segment of the horticultural sector including education and training courses, production, research, innovation etc.
On the opportunity of the hosting and organization of the International Horticulture Congress (IHC), Angers will outline its expertise, stakeholders and plants related projects : urban development, smart territory, citizen engagement… Come and get to know more about it at our Angers Supernature stand.

ARMEFLHOR - Technical Institute of the Indian Ocean
(Reunionese Association for the Modernisation of the Fruit, Vegetable and Horticultural Economy)
The ARMEFLHOR ITA is part of Acta’s RITA institutes network (agricultural innovation
and transfer networks) covering France’s overseas territories.
As an associative structure, it was created by professionals in order to contribute to the improvement of the performance and competitiveness of horticultural companies in Reunion. It has been supporting those working in the sector for around 30 years and manages experimentation on new techniques to develop the fruit, vegetable, horticultural and organic farming sectors and improve crop protection in tropical areas.

ASTREDHOR - French technical institute of horticulture. ASTREDHOR designs and implements research programmes and innovation to improvethe technical, economic and environmental performance of horticultural, florist andfloricultural and landscaping companies. This horticultural technical institute has Stateapproval since 2008, and boasts more than 100 employees across 10 experimentalstations, conducting applied research programmes...

Innovation at Bayer CropScience is at the heart of everything we do. By advancing new solutions in crop protection that complement and enrich our vegetable seeds business, we provide farmers with tools they need to grow profitable, high-quality produce for a growing world. Through digital transformation, we enable farmers to...

Bever Innovations is an innovator in the LED lighting industry, offering the best-quality Dutch LED lighting solutions. We continuously push back boundaries by means of major improvements in our performance, giving us a better competitive position and increased added value for our end customers. Each customer has specific requirements, why would our approach be the same?
Our mobile, flexible, plug-and-play cultivation trolley guarantees not only maximum yield and growth area per square metre, but also minimal energy consumption per plant. The unique, energy-efficient LED lighting in the Leaf Carrier combines red and blue light, both essential for plant growth, for exactly the right light spectrum. In combination with optimum light distribution, the Leaf Carrier ensures that your plant tissues emerge in a uniform growth, in the middle and at the edge of each layer. Carrier can be used for various of applications, such as propagation, tissue culture and food production.

CABI is an international not-for-profit organisation that improves people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment. CABI is also a global publisher producing key scientific publications, including world renowned databases, as well as compendia, books, eBooks and full text electronic resources. The profits from CABI’s publishing activities enable us to work with farming communities around the world, supporting them as they battle with poor soil, invasive species and pests and diseases, to improve their livelihoods and help provide food for an ever growing population.

CIRAD is the French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. Its scientific operations respond to the needs of local populations and the main global issues surrounding agriculture, food and the environment. Its work addresses the main challenges: food and nutrition security, climate change, natural resources management, reduction of inequalities and poverty alleviation.

Colasse is an innovative Belgian company founded in 2006. The company is active in horticulture under the brand Vegeled™. It designs and manufactures LED lights. Colasse is more than just an equipment supplier, it is also a design office with a high degree of flexibility. Its objective is to form a true partnership with its customers and to offer them complete solutions according to their needs.

Conviron and sister company Argus Controls are world leaders in the design, manufacture and installation of controlled environments and control systems for plant science research, horticultural and other plant specific applications.
Conviron’s reach-in plant growth chambers, walk-in rooms and Argus Control systems provide precise, uniform, and repeatable control of temperature, light, humidity, CO2, and other critical environmental conditions.
Visit our website at conviron.com and arguscontrols.com to learn more about some of our new technologies and product offerings such as energy saving LED lighting and irrigation/fertigation systems.

Supported by the Government of Québec through the Ministry of Economic and Innovation, the Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association (CSPMA) and the Peat and Substrates Cluster are joining forces to speak about their engagement for responsible peatland management. The industry has committed for 30 years to independent, peer-reviewed research as the foundation for policies and regulation as well as for the development of best management practices such as ecological restoration. The industry is also committed to continuous improvement of their social responsibility accounting.The CSPMA is an association of horticultural peat moss producers and related enterprises devoted to promoting the sustainable management of the industry and the responsible management of Canadian peatlands. It provides support and advocacy for its members and leadership in environmental stewardship, as well as societal and economic wellbeing related to the use of Canadian peatland resources. The Peat and Substrate Cluster exists since 2007 and is part of the Quebec government's ACCORD approach. A flexible and dynamic formula, the cluster brings together industry, various governmental bodies, research centers associated with the field, and local development organizations. The Cluster’s activities, which stem from an action plan drawn to support the development of companies in the sector, are aimed directly at its members through unifying structuring projects.

The Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes - CTIFL - is the research and development organisation serving the fruit and vegetable sector, from production to distribution. As a pivotal point at the crossroads of fundamental research, applied research and innovation, the CTIFL works directly with professionals.
It is the key player in helping them to meet the challenges of competitiveness, innovation and sustainable production and thus contribute to guaranteeing the quality and accessibility of the products that consumers expect. To achieve its objectives, CTIFL conducts experimentation and research programmes, innovation initiatives, economic and regulatory monitoring, training and dissemination of information to professionals.

Since 2003, year of its inception in Paris, Designing Hope has been building cultural and social bridges between France and several countries in Africa, supporting projects in the following areas:
• Nutrition and access to a balanced diet, promoting family and organic agriculture, and developing food self-sufficiency projects based on agro-ecology, permaculture and agro-forestry,
• Promotion of North-South and South-South exchanges of skills and experience in the field of sustainable agriculture, particularly by involving younger people,
• Support for vulnerable women , particularly in southern Africa, with awareness campaigns, nutritional support, social integration and income-generating projects,
• Support to children and youths who are orphans or in vulnerable situations , with support in their education, nutritional and social care.
Since its creation, Designing Hope has relied on international artists and creators to carry out its actions, mobilise, raise awareness and create a human and cultural link between the countries where it operates.

Destination Angers, the tourism and business outreach agency, promotes the hosting and organization of professional and public events (trade fairs, conferences, congresses, seminars, corporate events, gala evenings, conferences, symposiums, etc.) in a coherent manner with the tourism offer in the Anjou region.

Herbaceous & Woody Sap Flux measurements for abiotic stress monitoring

East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer is a non-profit corporate foundation with unique ties to East-West Seed Group. We leverage a business-minded approach to sustainable development for farmers in less developed areas, as we offer practical field demonstrations on home and market-driven production. We also provide field-level training and exposure to best practices for profitable and sustainable farming. Our Technical Support Hub (TSH) continuously addresses complex challenges in vegetable production such as climate change, soil health, and water scarcity. THS works directly with our country teams, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and East-West Seed R&D. This close collaboration, via action research in countries’ learning plots for example, results in evidence-based recommendations presented in extension materials, training modules tailored to local audiences, and direct technical support in person or through digital platforms from our extension teams to farmers and other stakeholders working in the vegetable value chain. Since 2015, EWS-KT has trained more than 500,000 farmers in Asia and Africa. More information, check our websites:

Founded almost 30 years ago, Ecomatik has customers in more than 60 countries. It represents one of the world's leading manufacturers of plant sensors such as dendrometers, transpiration, and foliage temperature sensors. ECOMATIK sensors can be used in bio-, geo- or environmental sciences as well as in practical applications in any climatic situation, such as in deserts and rainforests, in Polar Regions and the tropics.

Ecole Supérieure d’Agricultures – Angers (ESA) is a multidisciplinary private Institute of Higher Education and research founded in 1898 specialized in the fields of Agriculture, Agronomy, Food Science, Viticulture, Environment, Supply chain and Marketing.More than 3,000 students are studying at ESA – including 900 engineering-students and 250 foreign students from more than 35 different countries, a recurring number welcomed every year. The teaching method combines field experience with scientific and technical fundamentals that evolve with every innovation. It relies on the scientific excellence of applied research, of its studies and advice. Therefore, it makes ESA one of the leading agricultural higher educational groups in France

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Our goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. With over 194 member states, FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide. We believe that everyone can play a part in ending hunger. Join us in creating a world without hunger and poverty.

FNAMS is the French seed growers’ association. Since 1955 FNAMS has been defending growers' interests and leading their networks.
FNAMS elaborates technical and economical references in seed growing on its 7 research sites in collaboration with scientific programs and technical committees. 39% of the trials carried on by FNAMS are dedicated to vegetables seeds production. Main topics are crop protection (including mechanical weed control), pests management and monitoring, pollination, fertilization, irrigation, implantation, swathing, harvesting and drying.
FNAMS is a member of the French seed Interbranch (SEMAE) and a partner of all the French seed production stakeholders.
The GEVES (Groupe d'Etude et de Contrôle des Variétés Et des Semences) is a french company which conducts studies for the description, evaluation of varieties, analysis and control of seeds. Its expertise on all cultivated species assure it a reference role on the international and national level.

At Hiphen we have assembled a team of agronomists, image processing engineers, software engineers and data scientists who are laser focused on making high-throughput plant phenotyping accessible to the agricultural research community. We design plant assessment solutions that are actioned routinely by our clients, and we also develop custom-made image analytics applications that are tailor-made to tackle very specific agronomic challenges. We have committed our careers to data excellency and to uncover new phenotypic traits by innovating together with the scientific research community with whom we continuously create, test and validate new methods to help solve the current agronomic challenges and those that are yet to come.

IFO is one of the leading private companies specialized in the research and development of new varieties and rootstocks of apple and pear trees. The IFO team is made up of 13 experts covering a range of skills from variety breeding to the commercial launch of new varieties. Thanks to the experience gained through Dalival's founding nurseries, IFO has established an important network of partners around the world. Therefore, IFO offers a unique expertise as it can both propose to marketers some varieties adapted to their requirements and provide breeders with ambitious and relevant commercial development of their varieties

Founded in 1838 in the heart of Anjou, Hortival Diffusion is the specialist in production of ornamental trees, shrubs and perennials. With more than 1,400 varieties, it is one of the most important European productions and the very first in France for specialized distributors: nurserymen, garden centers and landscape companies. Hortival Diffusion is present at IHC through the entity FPB (Formidable Plant Breeders), its department dedicated to varietal innovation. Thanks to its own breeding programs and licencing agreements with numerous partners around the World, FPB creates today new trends that will inspire customers and drive the different plant markets.

IFPC is the applied research institute working for the French cider sector. It conducts research and innovation programmes for the benefit of businesses in the sector, ranging from agricultural production to processing, with the objective of enhancing competitiveness and sustainable development. It is recognised for its excellence through the official qualification of Agricultural Technical Institute (ITA) and Agro-industrial Technical Institute (ITAI). Fifteen highly qualified staff, based on two stations, contribute tothe institute’s missions, which comprise in particular the creation of technical references, the development of innovations and the coordination of partners in collective research and development programmes.

IFV - French vine and wine institute
The aim of the French Institute of Vine and Wine is to support the wine industry in its
innovative projects, from the vine to the bottle, by disseminating technical progress and
technology transfer to the vineyards to improve their competitiveness and sustainability.
The IFV has 20 R&D (research and development) units, organised in a regional network,
as close as possible to the vineyards and companies in the sector. The 160 IFV engineers
(ampelographers, agronomists engineers, geneticists, oenologists, microbiologists)
ensure partnerships and synergies with all synergies with all the actors of research at
the regional, national and international levels. The IFV has the double qualification of
Agricultural Technical Institute (ITA) and Agri-food Technical Institute (ITAI).

The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (JSHS) and the Organizing
Committee of International Horticultural Congress 2026 (IHC2026) warmly welcome
you at this booth. You will find various information about IHC2026 planned to be
held at the Kyoto International Conference Center (ICC Kyoto). It has been more
than a quarter of a century since the IHC was held in Japan at the same place
ICC Kyoto in 1994. In the meantime, Kyoto has become tourists friendly city with
the extended subway lines, increased English, Chinese and Korean signs for
visitors, more hotel rooms for travelers, and etc. Moreover, prices in Japan are
much lower than they were in 1994. If you are interested in IHC2026, please come
join us to learn more about IHC2026 and Kyoto, one of the oldest traditional
cities in Japan.
Created on January 1, 2020, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) is a major player in research and innovation. INRAE carries out targeted research and resulted from the merger of INRA and IRSTEA. It is a community of 12,000 people with 268 research, experimental research, and support units located in 18 regional centres throughout France. Internationally, INRAE is among the top research organisations in the agricultural and food sciences as well as in the plant and animal sciences. It is the world's leading research organisation specialising in agriculture, food, and the environment. INRAE’s main goal is to be a key player in the transitions necessary to address major global challenges.
Created in 1976, Interfel brings together all the trades in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector. All functions are represented: production, cooperation, shipping, import, export, wholesale, distribution (supermarkets, specialised shops and collective catering). A private law and initiative organisation, Interfel is recognised as a national agricultural interprofessional association by French rural law, as well as by the European Union since 21 November 1996 within the framework of the Single Common Market Organisation (CMO).

L’ISTOM, the Graduate School of International Agro-Development, is a school accredited by the French engineering commission, called the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur) . The CTI is the relevant body in charge of carrying out evaluation procedures that lead to the accreditation of the institutions to award engineering degrees.
It trains players committed to the global agro-ecological transition thanks to a strong awareness of agri-development and the major global issues of sustainable development, which are at the heart of the school's project.
Istom’s programme combines life and environmental sciences, socio-economic aspects and engineering tools, while placing an emphasis on the field thanks to 16 months of internships and missions spread throughout the cursus. This multidisciplinary pedagogy in project mode offers all the qualities and skills necessary for future ISTOM graduate engineers.

ITEIPMAI - French research institute for perfume, medicinal and aromatic plants
ITEIPMAI is a professional research organisation, recognised by the Ministry of Agriculture,
for the perfume, aromatic and medicinal plant sector and certified by the Ministry of
Research. It includes 25 permanent staff of which 12 are engineers and managers.
It conducts finalised applied research supporting the aromatic, medicinal and perfume plant
sectors. Its main technical activity aims to improve farmers’ incomes and to secure it in
the longer term, making it possible for agricultural and industrial companies to achieve
sustainable development and generating trust and guarding the welfare of consumers.

With over 30 years of experience (since 1987), we are today fully specialized in servicing plant science laboratories and plant-based industries. Our customers have spread out globally to over 65 countries on six continents.
We provide product and service solutions for small/start-up labs, up to the largest production labs focused on plants and plant-based products. We can offer 7,000+ products, and growing, to support your laboratory activities.
If customers have very specific needs, questions, or when additional support is required, our team collaborates with various scientific, lab and product specialists that are available in our network.

Pink Lady® Europe, a non-profit association, brings together 3,000 apple growers, 11 nursery owners, 14 certified distributors and 85 packing stations.
Committed to the values of PROGRESS - RESPONSIBILITY - INNOVATION - SHARING - PLEASURE, Pink Lady® Europe orchestrates the strategic development of apples from quality in the orchard to end consumers.Through its PinkLAB project incubator, the association supports around ten start-ups to identify and develop innovative technical and technological solutions for increasingly sustainable production.

Plante & Cité is the French national centre for research and experiments in the area of green spaces and urban landscaping. Created in Angers in 2006, Plante & Cité is a non profit organization chaired by the City of Angers. It has now more than 650 member structures. The technical centre ensures the transfer of scientific knowledge to professionals working in green spaces, businesses and local authorities.

Horticultural productions and landscapes in agricultural education: exchange, pool and innovate to act together within the territories - Réso'them is a group of facilitators to support the agro-ecological transition. Many common projects concern support for the preservation and management of common goods in agricultural and food systems: Local and sustainable food systems - Trees, landscapes and agriculture - Livestock, territory and society - Climate emergency - Biosecurity …
It is one of the technical thematic networks of agricultural education, member of the Réso'them collective. He proposes through the actions he leads to apprehend, reflect and act in the perspective of a transition to agroecology by entering through the controversies that this change arouses

Since 50 years, Signe Nature has been serving plant signage. Today, it is the key player in signage in the plant sector. Recognised for its expertise and capacity for innovation, Signe Nature specialises in horticultural production and distribution. The company is a leader in the design and manufacture of labels and display media. They offer labels, display media, marking, monitoring, traceability and printers.

Created in 1986, SITIA is an engineering companyrecognized in Tests Rigs & complex Robotics Systems.Thanks to our extended expertise panel, we are able todevelop complex and reliable solutions, from design studyto commissioning on-site.Since 2014, SITIA launched its mobile robotic department,from which was created TREKTOR, the fi rst hybridautonomous tractor for...

SOFRUILEG is a french company specialized in managing Intellectual Property and marketing concepts for Fruits and Vegetables.
Over the years, SOFRUILEG has acquired well-known expertise in green-fleshed kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) for the Hayward variety and in launching the early Summerkiwi™ green kiwi variety. SOFRUILEG is also present in the yellow-flesh kiwi market (Actinidia chinensis) with the Soreli variety and new promissing varieties.
SOFRUILEG responds to new market trends with the Nergi® kiwi berry (Actinidia arguta), a real innovation in the berries universe.

Founded in 2016, Synlyte is incorporated with a single mission in mind: to develop innovative, cost-effective, and original applications for light in Biotechnology and Medicine.
Synlyte has an established global network of leading scientific consultants and subcontracting labs to forward its research agenda spanning the following fields:
- Synthetic Biology
- Agriculture
- Ornamental Plants
- Medical Applications
- Educational Products
- Animal Husbandry
- Pet and Acquarium Products
- Wellness Products
- Space Exploration
- Biotechnology
Synlyte has versatile production capability using an extensive network of manufacturing subcontractors. Prototypes of new products are featured on our Web Site.

Terrena is a cooperative of farmers, anchored in the territory of the Northwest of France and parent company of an agri-food group. With a turnover of 4.76 billion euros, 20,992 cooperative members and 13,587 employees, Terrena is one of the major players in agriculture and agrifood in France. We are determined to support all types of agriculture, all farming models and all production methods. We believe in the strength of the links between crops and livestock because we are convinced that it contributes to the results of farms in the Northwest of France, to the vitality of our territories and that it responds to everyone's food choices
University of Angers is a multidisciplinary higher education and research institution. Teaching programs and research units in Plant Science greatly contribute to the university’s reputation.

VALHOR is the is the French umbrella organization for the ornamental horticulture industry gathering the ten professional organizations of horticulture, floristry and landscaping sectors. For more than fifteen years, it has represented the diversity and richness of these meaningful careers. Its mission: to federate, listen and support plant professionals, their...

Vegenov is an applied research center that offers confidential R&D services to breeders, seed companies, growers, agrochemists and distributors. We support plant breeding programs with biotechnological tools such as MAS or tissue culture. We also evaluate efficiency and mode of action of biocontrol and biostimulant products under controlled conditions. And we help the actors of agricultural production to take into account the quality of the harvested products in their approach through nutritionnal and sensory tests. We work on more than 50 plant species.

VEGEPOLYS VALLEY is an international plant cluster gathering actors of the whole plant sector, from genetics to using. Implemented in 4 French historical attractive regions (Pays de la Loire, Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Bretagne, Centre Val de Loire), the cluster facilitates connections and synergies between its 500 members. For a larger and better production, the cluster boosts and supports the innovation co-designing from upstream to downstream. Aware of the environmental, economic and social stakes, VEGEPOLYS VALLEY is a leading international plant cluster for more competitive, qualitative, environment and health-friendly agricultures. The cluster supports an average of 70 innovative projects per year (nearly 1,000 projects with a potential investment of €3 billion) on significant axes such as: Varietal innovation and seeds and plants performance, Plant health, New technologies and practices for cropping systems, Urban Agriculture and Landscaping.

Vilmorin-Mikado is a Franco-Japanese seed company specialized in creating, producing, and marketing vegetable seeds for professionals since 1743.Its extensive, unique, and original range, commercialized under the brands Vilmorin and Mikado Kyowa Seed, is distributed in over 100 countries, meeting a variety of needs all over the world.

Vivent, a Swiss-based start-up, is the world leader in plant electrophysiology, with powerful intellectual property including patents, highly reputable research papers, the world’s largest library of plant data and existing algorithms for the early diagnosis of soil pests, sucking and chewing insects on foliage, fungal and bacterial infections, water stress and nutrient deficiencies.
Vivent uses artificial intelligence to decipher plant signals and provides crop health insights directly from plants. Through our innovative plant alert system, we can now help even the most experienced growers to increase yield by limiting long duration stress.