Following numerous requests, the deadline for access to replays has been extended until October 20th. If you do not agree to have your presentation being broadcast for another month, please inform the IHC secretariat at secretariat@ihc2022.org. The replay session or the e-poster presentation will then be deleted from the digital...
Thank you for attending IHC2022 ! Please share your feedback!
The International Horticultural Congress is a week of congresses 100% in English in the heart of summer, from 14 to 20 August 2022 in the first green city of France: Angers.This world congress of specialised plants brought together 2500 delegates from 88 different countries in Angers around the theme of...
As part of IHC 2022, photographers and video makers will take photos and videos on which delegates are likely to appear. These images will be used and distributed trhoughout the world, on all media and without time limit of availability, for the promotion of the activities of Destination Angers and the next editions of the IHC 2022 Congress.If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed, please report to welcome desk and to the photograhers and video makers.
Relive the 31st International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022) via the replay fonction on the IHC 2022 app.
The Four Plenary Sessions and the 25 Symposia are now available
Preview the ihc2022 exhibition plan
You will receive your badges today, 1 August 2022, get ready!
Get a 10% discount on your rental car in any of French Hertz agencies ! To benefit from this exceptional offer, use the promotional code 926747 and show your IHC registration document in any of nationwide Hertz agency.
The IHC 2022 organizing committee has developped offers dedicated to professionnals, please discover it here (french version) and here for the english version
Local organizations and foundations have decided to help scientists, PhD students, researchers, lecturers or engineers who cannot afford to attend the 31st international horticulture congress taking place in Angers, France. This support will be given through grants. Each participant requesting support must fill in an online application form. The expenses...