The InVivo group is one of the leading European agricultural groups with a turnover of nearly 10 billion euros, more than half of which is generated in France.
InVivo Retail, the InVivo group's multi-brand, multi-channel distribution division, is present in four business lines: garden centres, pet shops, lifestyle and food distribution.

Innovation at Bayer CropScience is at the heart of everything we do. Our R&D Teams work around the globe to enhance productivity on the farm and drive logistical solutions throughout the entire supply chain.
By advancing new solutions in crop protection that complement and enrich our vegetable seeds business, we provide farmers with tools they need to grow profitable, high-quality produce for a growing world.
Through digital transformation, we enable farmers to increase their profitability by implementing precision farming practices, optimizing resource use, reducing agriculture’s impact on the environment.
Meaningful partnerships are foundational for sustainable horticulture, which is why we’re always seeking to build relationships with like-minded collaborators. From farm to fork, we’re working to foster trust and confidence in food safety and modern food production. If you have an idea or would like to explore what we can accomplish together, please get in touch.

Terrena is a cooperative of farmers in the Northwest of France, parent company of an agrifood group. With a €4.76 billion turnover, 20 992 cooperative partners members and 13 587 employees, Terrena is one of the principal actor of agriculture and agrifood in France. The Cooperative is deeply involved in the development of plant activities in the Val de Loire area, with viticulture, seeds multiplication and obtention, vegetable gardening, ornamental horticulture with Hortival Diffusion, and fruit plants with Dalival

Founded in 1838 in the heart of Anjou, Hortival Diffusion is the specialist in production of ornamental trees, shrubs and perennials. With more than 1,400 varieties, it is one of the most important European productions and the very first in France for specialized distributors: nurserymen, garden centers and landscape companies. Hortival Diffusion is present at IHC through the entity FPB (Formidable Plant Breeders), its department dedicated to varietal innovation. Thanks to its own breeding programs and licencing agreements with numerous partners around the World, FPB creates today new trends that will inspire customers and drive the different plant markets.

IFO is one of the leading private companies specialized in the research and development of new varieties and rootstocks of apple and pear trees. The IFO team is made up of 13 experts covering a range of skills from variety breeding to the commercial launch of new varieties. Thanks to the experience gained through Dalival's founding nurseries, IFO has established an important network of partners around the world. Therefore, IFO offers a unique expertise as it can both propose to marketers some varieties adapted to their requirements and provide breeders with ambitious and relevant commercial development of their varieties

Pink Lady® Europe, a non-profit association, brings together 3,000 apple growers, 11 nursery owners, 14 certified distributors and 85 packing stations. Committed to the values of PROGRESS - RESPONSIBILITY - INNOVATION - SHARING - PLEASURE, Pink Lady® Europe orchestrates the strategic development of apples from quality in the orchard to end consumers.Through its PinkLAB project incubator, the association supports around ten start-ups to identify and develop innovative technical and technological solutions for increasingly sustainable production.

Vilmorin-Mikado is a Franco-Japanese seed company specialized in creating, producing, and marketing vegetable seeds for professionals since 1743.
Its extensive, unique, and original range, commercialized under the brands Vilmorin and Mikado Kyowa Seed, is distributed in over 100 countries, meeting a variety of needs all over the world.

Voltz Horticulture is an activity of Graines Voltz, a professional distributor of seeds and young plants for flowers and vegetables. With this specialisation, the company offers throughout the year a wide range of flowers and vegetables for cities, gardens and private balconies and terraces. These products are intended for professionals: horticulturists, nurserymen, landscapers, private and public communities.
In constant research, VOLTZ HORTICULTURE offers new solutions that are always more efficient, more creative and more reliable in order to allow its customers to enhance their know-how and to develop their sales with gardeners, who are increasingly in search of nature!

The Sival, Plant Production Exhibition, is supported by Destination Angers and takes place at the Parc des Expositions in Angers.
SIVAL is the only exhibition in France to offer a complete and efficient range of equipment and services for specialised crop production. Each year it welcomes 700 exhibitors and 26,000 professional visitors.

The Community Plant Variety Office is an agency of the European Union located in Angers and responsible for plant variety rights at European level. At #IHC2022, the #CPVO will present a new study assessing the socio-economic impact of plant variety protection in the EU.

Rijk Zwaan is a vegetable breeding company: we develop new vegetable varieties and sell the seeds produced from them all over the world.

Premier Tech is a team driven by a common passion: to make a difference in the life of people, businesses, and communities, and has been doing so since 1923. What sets us apart is the passion of our 5,000 team members in 28 countries and our Technologies that come together to bring to life solutions that help feed, protect and improve our planet.
Since 2013, Premier Tech has been developing its know-how in France in the field of growing media and biostimulants and has been putting all its professional expertise at the service of plant production.

DLF France, part of the World Leader and based in Anjou for over 30 years, breeds modern, sustainable, top performing, turf and forage grass varieties for home owners, landscapers, sports fields and farmers. Our varieties and products can be found across France, Europe and the World, proudly “made in Anjou”.

Blue Whale® is the leading French apple grower and supplier with 50 years of know-how and expertise in the apple business. It has 300 fruit growers, 240 000 tons of apples per season, 25 apples varieties, exports in 71 countries. Innovation is very important at Blue Whale® with the development of new apple varieties and organic apples in order to stay at the top of the market trends. We are also innovating in our cultivation techniques to grow our apples in the most sustainable way. Indeed, we have more than 6500 hectares labeled “High Environmental Value” (HVE).

Vitropic is a biotechnology and consulting company specializing in vitroplant production and tropical agronomic expertise. Vitropic works mainly on bananas and offers a wide range of varieties (dessert, plantain, hybrids) selected for their productivity in different growing conditions. As a CIRAD subsidiary, Vitropic is committed finding solutions to current environmental and phytosanitary issues.
Vitropic is the biggest European laboratory in tropical plant production. Each year, Vitropic produces and exports millions of vitroplants to 25 countries with high sanitary garantee. For several years, the catalogue has been expanded to include many varities, which are introduced, sanitized and multiplied upon request of new partners.

Novalliance is a family-owned group focusing on the selection and distribution of vegetable seeds for tropical zones, notably Africa, the Middle East, South America, and the Caribbean. Novalliance is a complete and strong entity that covers its principal marketing areas through a diverse research organization, the ability to launch new, high-quality varieties, and Business Developer teams that can deploy new networks into unknown markets. With more than 700 employees and 35 years of experience the Novalliance group is a specialist of the tropical areas. The group has 7 different brands and aims to contribute to the food autonomy of tropical countries.

25 years of AgroFair, 25 years of Fairtrade bananas. A concept that we pioneerded and that is still at the heart of our company. We are AgroFair. And we are bananas about our planet. About its people. And about tropical fruits. These are our three main concerns. And in all three fields, we are going for the best.

Horticulturae (ISSN 2311-7524) is an international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on all areas of temperate to tropical horticulture and related disciplines. Our goal is to encourage scientists to publish and communicate their results in a timely manner in an open venue, with no subscription or membership barriers for access, encompassing research on the entire horticultural supply chain.

Star Group is dedicated to the development of fruit varieties, delivering a set of innovative products and services to the fruit industry. The activities of the group include multiple businesses as tissue culture production for rootstocks (Eurosteme), rootstock and fruit tree production (Star PMP), international fruit tree sales (Star Export) in addition to the management of variety licensing and branding (Star Fruits).
Beyond the agronomic value delivered by the genetics, STAR FRUITS develops signs of quality and authenticity for the consumer. The most advanced collective model to this day is « Pink Lady® » .

Ta Belle Mer is a French startup that offers sustainable and customisable products, 100% Made in France, for a more ecological life at the office. A selection of products that can be ordered individually or integrated into customizable boxes to welcome, pamper and enhance employees but also to concretize Corporate Social Responsibility and raise awareness while allowing the company to transmit its culture and values.

Agreenium Alliance: Bringing together French training and
research expertise in agriculture, food, the environment and
global health at the highest international level.
The Alliance brings together, on a voluntary basis, 11
higher education and research organizations working in
the fi eld of agri-biosciences: AgroParisTech, Bordeaux
Agro Institute, Oniris, the University of Lorraine (ENSAIA
and ENSTIB), Vet AgroSup. The members of the Alliance
share a strategic vision of the importance of strengthening
coordination between higher education and research
Its missions are to lead a community of interest to organize
a shared analysis and to bring out concrete projects,
to improve the visibility of the higher education and
research system in their fi elds, to constitute a platform for
structuring and ambitious projects, particularly in the digital
fi eld and internationally, to ensure the inter-institutional
coordination of doctoral training.

Agropolis Fondation is a French scientifi c foundation which
promotes, through research and higher education, the
development and sharing of knowledge in the service of
stakeholders in agriculture and sustainable development.
Our objectives:
¤ To support scientifi c dynamics in terms of research,
training and innovation by promoting interdisciplinary
and integrated approaches;
¤ To promote international scientifi c cooperation and
partnerships with relevant stakeholders;
¤ To facilitate collaboration with socio-economic actors
through action research, co-innovation, knowledge

CABI is an international not-for-profi t organisation that
improves people’s lives worldwide by providing information
and applying scientifi c expertise to solve problems in
agriculture and the environment. CABI is also a global
publisher producing key scientifi c publications, including
world renowned databases, as well as compendia, books,
eBooks and full text electronic resources. The profi ts from
CABI’s publishing activities enable us to work with farming
communities around the world, supporting them as they
battle with poor soil, invasive species and pests and
diseases, to improve their livelihoods and help provide food
for an ever growing population.

Overview of the University of Angers Foundation
The University of Angers Foundation has been created
in 2018 in order to strengthen interactions between the
academic and socio-economic communities at the local
and regional levels. Its objectives are to set up new chairs
on a partnership-based approach and to support targeted
actions to increase the University legibility. The University
of Angers Foundation commitments are to develop
research activities and pedagogic innovations, to favor
professional integration and student success, to transfer
knowledge to citizens and to increase the international
recognition of the university (https://fondation.univ-angers.
fr/la-fondation/). In line with these ambitions the University
of Angers has decided to support the organization of IHC
2022 by providing fellowships to young scientists enrolled
at the University of Angers that intend to participate to one
of the 25 proposed symposia. These fellowships will cover
the registration fees for the congress.
Award criteria
Fellowships will be awarded to young scientists enrolled
at the University of Angers (PhD and MSc students)
working in the fi eld of Horticulture. European students
from other countries are not eligible for these fellowships
and are encouraged to apply for fellowships provided by the Program “Objective Végétal”. Submitting an abstract is
mandatory for applicants.
Documents required: copy of the student card, copy of the
abstract submission confi rmation.

Land Green & Technology ( LAGRE ) is a company based in Taiwan, focused on innovating advanced technology, approaches and methods in organic and smart growing plants.
Human minds are capable of formulating the most spectacular ideas possible. Every new idea brings progress, evolution, hope and a new vision.
This is how we humans have developed, is developing and will develop.
Taiwan is one of the world's leading countries where new innovating ideas and technologies are created and implemented worldwide.
Our company follows this principle and dedicates ourselves to develop cutting-edge technologies, methods and products for the agricultural industry.
We believe that greenhouse farming is the future of the world for solving growing food issues and human health.
We plan to use advanced technologies for intelligent cultivation of predefined characteristics plants using organic nano-fertilizers combined with different structure modifications water, and to test new possibilities by controlling endless combinations of light spectrum.
We created a platform that help us find the optimal nutrient formulas and many factors important for plant growth.
The newest service we provide for the scientific world is a control platform and different type of phyto-laboratories to control the plant cultivation remotely and with the ability to control many other factors affecting the growth.
We believe that this platform will accelerate the process of discovering new nutrient formulas and determine the best factors affecting the plant quality.
We are moving to become the Center of Technologies for Greens, to help, provide and unite the scientific communities from all over the world.

The National Horticultural Society of France aims to
disseminate horticultural knowledge and know-how
Its diversifi ed activities (colloquia, conferences, visits,
trips, competitions, publications...) address a threefold
mission: to exchange, promote and preserve. The SNHF is
aimed at amateur gardeners, professionals professionals,
horticultural societies, schools and local schools and local

Overview of the Objectif Végétal program
The Research, Education & Innovation program “Objectif
Végétal”, is a regional initiative established by the Pays
de la Loire Regional Council that involves teaching and
research institutions as well as the international French
cluster Végépolys Valley. It has been fi nancially supported
by Regional and Local authorities and the European
Regional Development Fund since 2014 to reinforce
the visibility and attractiveness of the regional centre
for education and basic research in Plant Science, to
boost collaborations with companies and reinforce the
processes of economic valorization of research fi ndings,
and to develop international partnerships (for additional
index.html ).
In line with this ambition to become a European excellence
centre for horticulture and seed production, the steering
committee of Objectif Végétal has decided to support the
organization of IHC 2022 by providing fellowships to young
European scientists that intend to participate to one of
the 25 proposed symposia. These fellowships will cover
the registration fees and travel charges up to 1 000 € per