In case you have not been able to submit your presentation (oral or e-poster) on the submission website before 8 August:
- If you are a "Remote Speaker", you can send it by e-mail to "".
- From Sunday 14 August at 2pm, you can submit your presentations in the preview room at the congress centre. A preview room will also be available on the Faculty site from Monday morning.
Concerning the diffusion of your poster on the web and mobile application of IHC 2022, the initial deadline for submission having passed (8 August), we cannot guarantee the online availability of your e-poster before the beginning of the congress. Our teams will do their best to make them available on the application as soon as possible.
PREVIEW SYSTEM OPENING : Friday 15th July 2022
FOR ALL PRESENTERS : (Symposia, Workshops moderators, Keynote speakers, Business Meetings, Thesis competition…)
All presenters must upload their files in advance on the preview system.
Instructions for uploading files
Presenters who have registered will receive a dedicated link by email to upload their supports. Uploading on the preview system will be open 1 month before the congress. All presenters need to be registered for the congress.
Please check the time slot of your presentation in the corresponding session and ensure that you upload your slides in the slide preview system starting 1 month before the congress and at least 2 hours before your presentation.
Except for keynote speakers, the presentation duration is 15 minutes maximum, including questions: 12 minutes maximum for the presentation and 3 minutes for 1 or 2 questions. Please make sure to keep your presentation in this limited time, no overtime will be allowed.
The questions from remote participants will come through the chat of the virtual platform and will be asked by the session Chairs. Please meet with the session chairs before the session begins. The Chairs of each session are now listed on the congress programme.
Instructions for files ORAL Presentation IN PERSON [Guideline for Oral presentation in person]
- Language: All supports should be prepared in English.
- The projection format will be 16 :9, please use this format when creating your slides
- Save your file with a .pptx extention for a better compatibility
- File size: Less than 1GB
Instructions for files ORAL Presentation IN REMOTE [guideline for oral presentation in remote]
For technical reasons, the remote oral presentations will only be displayed with pre-recorded presentations.
- Language: All supports should be prepared in English.
- The projection format will be 16 :9, please use this format when creating your slides
- Save your file with a .pptx extention for a better compatibility
- Record your presentation (12 minutes maximum), save your final file with record with a .mp4 file
- File size: Less than 1GB
Deadline for oral support upload : Monday 8th AUGUST 2022
Authors with abstracts selected for electronic posters will also receive a scheduled time for a 3 minutes flash oral presentation in dedicated sessions within each symposium. Flash oral presentations will be based on viewing the digital posters (no specific slides).
Digital posters will also be available in an online format for all Congress delegates on the IHC2022 digital platform during the congress and one month after the congress.
A digital poster looks much like a paper poster, except that it is displayed on-site on screens.
In order to display the posters, and provide a reliable and consistent experience for the viewer as well as for smooth flash oral presentations, we need a standardized file format, so we ask the presenter to use the following recommendations, with the example of the poster template displayed Eposter Template
Please have the text as synthetic as possible, and make sure that the figures and tables quality and size are adapted for viewing during the flash oral presentation.
When inserting images, photos, tables, etc., use copy-paste. Do not use embedded documents.
Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and videos are not permitted for e-posters and will be non-functioning
Please do not use headers, footers or layers.
In person presentation
You will have 3 minutes to present one slide (PDF) and 2 minutes for questions from delegates. You need to pre-load your PDF as soon as possible and before August 1st on the preview System. Please meet with the session chairs before the session begins.
- Language: All supports should be prepared in English.
- File format: .pdf
- e-Poster orientation: Landscape format is recommended (for screen display) but portrait format is possible (presenters will be able to zoom in using a tactile screen)
- e-poster size: Lanscape A0 (recommanded) or portrait
- File size: Less than 50 Mo
Please upload your PDF and MP3 files on the submission platform : here by 08.08.2022 at the latest.
Your login credentials have been sent by email.
In remote presentation
Instructions for the Preparation of Vocal Recording for remote E-Poster Presentation
At distance presenters are requested to prepare a self-recording of digital poster presentation using the audio function of Preview SYSTEM . The audio record is 3 minutes maximum. A single file will be uploaded on the preview system.You need to pre-load your MP4 file. as soon as possible and before 08.08.2022 on the preview System. Please meet with the session chairs before the session begins.
For technical reasons, the remote E-poster presentations will only be displayed with pre-recorded presentations.
- Language: All supports should be prepared in English.
- Prepare your ePoster in PDF format, together with a 3-minute recording of your narration in MP3 format, following guidelines
- File size: Less than 1GB
1/ Prepare your PDF
- The projection format will be 16 :9, please use this format when creating your PDF
- e-Poster orientation: Landscape format is recommended (for screen display) but portrait format is possible (presenters will be able to zoom in using a tactile screen)
- Prepare your ePoster in PDF format, together with a 3-minute recording of your narration in MP3 format, following guidelines
- Save your file with a .pdf extention for a better compatibility
2/ Record your presentation
- Record your presentation (3 minutes maximum), save your final file with record with a .mp4 file
- File size: Less than 1GB
Please find guideline for E-poster in remote HERE
E-poster template landscape here
E-poster template portrait here
Deadline for Eposters upload : 8th AUGUST 2022
All presenters need to be registered for the congress.