ISHS Division BUSINESS Meetings

During the congress different other types of meeting could be held by conveners or partners. If you have any suggestions or needs please feel free to contact the organising committee.

IHC is usually the opportunity for the Divisions/Commissions to gather their members during business meetings. These meetings will take place in late afternoon, between 6 and 7.30 pm.

MONDAY 15th AUGUST 2022 

DIVISION BM01 - Joint ISHS business meeting divisions « protected cultivation and soilless culture » and « precision horticulture and engineering », Amphitheatre jardin

DIVISION BM12 - Division Genetic resources and biotechnology, Cabernet Room  

DIVISION BM13 - Division Vegetables, roots and  tubers, Chenin Room  

African region meeting, Cointreau Room


DIVISION BM05 - Agroecology and Organic Farming Systems, Atrium 2  

DIVISION BM06 -  Horticulture for Human Health, Grand Angle Room B   

DIVISION BM07 - Division Vine and Berry Fruits, Mercure room 

DIVISION BM08 - Temperate Tree Fruits Division & Division Temperate Tree Nuts, Giffard Room

DIVISION BM09 - Physiology and Plant-Environment Interactions of Horticultural Crops in Field Systems, Open Garden Room   

DIVISION BM10 - Ornamental Plants, Cointreau Room  

THURSDAY 18th August 2022 

DIVISION BM11 -  Horticulture for development, Amphitheatre Jardin