Adamo Domenico Rombolà, University of Bologna, Italy

Development, management and dissemination of agroecological strategies and systems
Adamo Domenico Rombolà got the master degree in Agricultural Sciences and the PhD degree in Fruit Trees and Woody Plant Sciences. Coordinator of the Research Group of AgroEcology Earth in Transition and Professor of Vineyard Management at the University of Bologna. Professor of the Agroecology Course, PhD Course at Unicentro, Brazil. He conducts interdisciplinary researches on physiological mechanisms related to environmental stress; protection and valorisation of biodiversity; design, management and dissemination of agroecological systems; alternative local food networks. Coordinator of the International Participatory AgroEcology School System (PASS) and International Schools of AgroEcology. Member of the Overseas Committee UNIBO, UNAEUROPA One Health, Healthy Planet. He is author of more than 70 scientific journal papers and 2 book chapters. Member editorial board of Plant and Soil, Frontiers in Plant Science, Agronomy. Co-Founder of the National Association Transparency and Merit.