Stephen Parnel, University of Warwick, UK

An epidemiological approach for the early detection of plant pests and diseases
Stephen is a plant disease epidemiologist and epidemic modeller based at the University of Warwick, Wellesbourne Campus. Stephen completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge in 2005, where his thesis focused on modelling fungicide resistance management strategies. Following his PhD he was a Postdoctoral researcher at the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Florida developing epidemiological models for invasive pests of citrus. He then spent 7 years as a Research Scientist at Rothamsted Research in the UK modelling epidemics in a range of horticultural, crop and forest pathosystems. He moved to Salford University as a Lecturer in Spatial Epidemiology in 2014 before joining Warwick as Associate Professor in Plant and Crop Science. Stephen has been a member of the EFSA Plant Health Panel since 2014 and is also a current board member of the British Society for Plant Pathology.