- Booking is required and the number of participants per tour is limited.
- The closing date for booking technical tours is June 15th 2022. Late booking may be possible, subject to availability.
Guided technical tour of CTIFL La Morinière
What you can see at La Morinière ?
By Anne Duval-Chaboussou & Antony Leblois :
- Apple scab : prevision models, bicontrol treatment
- Rosy apple aphids : prevision models, biocontrol trials, companion plants
- Blueberries : cultivar evaluation and weed management trial
By Richard Lothion :
- Stink bugs : Insectproof nets & trap plants in orchard
- Nectria canker : tree injection technology trial
By Ségolène Dandin :
- Apple tree management: axix and bi-axis comparison with different rootstocks (M9 and G11) and different planting distances on Gala variety.
By Benjamin Gandubert:
- Pear tree management: axis and bi-axis comparison
By Claude Coureau :
- Pre and post-harvest program : storage diseases management and quality offruits
About CTIFL La Morinière - CTIFL is the referent organisation for applied research in the French fruit & vegetable sector. Through its studies and innovations, it contributes to the development and the diversification of production and marketing methods for all actors involved in the value chain.
By becoming one of the 5 operational centers of the CTIFL, the La Morinière fruit study and experimentation station reinforces in the Centre - Val de Loire region the legibility of the actions undertaken by the CTIFL in the regions and confirms its will to establish closer relations with the local actors and the Region.
Acquired in 2021 by the CTIFL, La Moriniére station, with an orchard of 27ha ( 67 acres) in apple and pear, aims at acquiring technical references to meet the expectations of professionals and anticipate the needs of the orchard of tomorrow in terms of:
- Variety and new rootstock testing for apple, pear, blackcurrant and blueberry New orchard management, pruning, thinning,
- Crop protection in integrated fruit production (IFP), biocontrol and organic
- Pre-post harvest management: disease and physiological disorder, new storage technology and fruit quality.
Thank to its large surface and its 900 ts of production, our technical unit « Sustainable Orchad Management » has the ambition to develop a technical and economic approach in new cropping management system to enhance the competitiveness of the orchad of tomorrow.